Word Bulls🎯 Cows
work 4 0
worm 3 0
crow 0 3
send 0 0
rose 1 1

Guesses should be a 4-letter words.
Bulls🎯 - Bulls-eye, letter position matches
Cows - Letter is at wrong position
Bulls are exact position matches. If a guess has 1 bull, that means one of the letters is in the same position in the guess and in the hidden word.

Cows are partial matches. If a guess has 2 cows, that means two of the letters in the guess are present in the hidden word, but at a different position.

The first guess ROSE tells that two letters match, one is an exact match Bull and other is a partial match Cow.

The second guess SEND has no matches, so letters S and E are eliminated, leaving O and R.

The next two guesses tell us that the hidden word starts with letters WOR. The final guess is WORK which is the hidden word.